グランドギャラリー主宰のホームパーティーへ。盛り上がるお客さんの中に小玉さんもおられました。雰囲気からして只者ではないのですが見た目も既に只者ではない。本ソロデビューアルバムのタイトル「QUIET REGGAE」。名は体を表すとはこの事。思えば前身バンド「MUTE BEAT」からも感じる一貫したブレない音楽性。哲学。サムライ。隠し剣鬼の爪、ダブステーション。
I'm going to play to a certain party. Audience who are are in the venue is gorgeous anyway aside from repertoire. Today I'm a blue Monday, but the relationship Nain'ya such as weekday artists. Was woven Kodama's. The atmosphere is not the ordinary person, but the appearance is not rather than the ordinary person already. Debut album QUIET REGGAE cool already in the title. MUTE BEAT its predecessor bands and cool name already this also. SILENT POETS, LITTLE TEMPO, BREATH MARK,, the name is cool guys we noticed. Like samurai. Was young. This is Kodama's the music that's. Dub station.
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